Welcome to the avant-garde!
Is Linux & open source software the avant-garde of the current tech industry? Who knows, but this place is just a blog. Launched in the year 2024, when writing is dying and videos on YouTube and TikTok dominate the space. I may do videos too, on Odysee & PeerTube to keep the avant-garde theme going. But maybe I’m just a hipster, not an avant-gardist.
Why write stuff that probably no one will read or see? I’m a backend software engineer, I already write a lot of stuff nobody reads or sees. I like software & computers, I like to read & play with a lot of technologies, so why not write about it? I could have kept this “journal” offline, but it’s easier to back up your work if you put it on the internet. The internet never forgets.
Now let’s address the name: LazyLinux. Bill Gates famously said “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”. A little ironic to quote the founder of Microsoft on a website with Linux in its name. But I agree with him on this matter. Maybe it would have been nice if he followed his own advice. I think it’s good to have a healthy dose of laziness, work smart not hard, especially if you’re working with computers. We invented them to work instead of us, so let’s spend hours automating stuff that takes us 5min per week.
What types of topics can be found here? I don’t even know. Whatever I am interested in at the moment. A focus on Linux (desktop & server), bleeding-edge technologies, programming and open source software. I will talk about closed source too, cannot escape it.
As I’m finishing this, I start to have a little hope. Maybe writing is not quite that dead. All people have started writing to ChatGPT. A lot of articles on the internet are now written by ChatGPT. I know a lot of my work emails are written by it. But maybe we need some human touch, if software developers can be called real human beings.